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Multivendor examples

It doesn't matter what color you banners are, yangpath is vendor-agnostic and YANG centric. Simply put, it digests YANG files from multiple vendors with no hiccups.

Here we demonstrate how yangpath can be used with models from different vendors and standard organizations.


Likely the most popular vendor-agnostic provider of YANG modules is OpenConfig.

Source: openconfig/public

# assuming cur working dir is the root of the repo
yangpath export -m release/models/interfaces/openconfig-interfaces.yang


The foundational IETF models

Source: YangModels/yang

# assuming cur working dir is the root of the repo
yangpath export -m  standard/ietf/RFC/[email protected]


By the way, the paths extracted with yangpath are published at hellt/nokia-yangtree.

Source: nokia/7x50_YangModels

# assuming cur working dir is the root of the repo
yangpath export -y YANG -m YANG/nokia-combined/nokia-conf-combined.yang


Arista uses a subset of OpenConfig modules and does not provide IETF modules inside their repo. So make sure you have IETF models somewhere where you can reference it.

Source: aristanetworks/yang

# assuming cur working dir is the root of the repo
# notice the second import where we specify path to the IETF models from OC repo
yangpath export -y EOS-4.23.2F/openconfig/public/release/models \
                -y ~/projects/openconfig/public/third_party/ietf/ \
                -m EOS-4.23.2F/openconfig/public/release/models/interfaces/openconfig-interfaces.yang


Source: YangModels/yang

# assuming cur working dir is the root of the repo
yangpath export -y standard/ietf/ -m vendor/cisco/xr/711/Cisco-IOS-XR-mpls-ldp-cfg.yang


Source: Juniper/yang

Unfortunately, the underlying library that yangpath uses, have troubles reading the YANG files directories that Juniper has in their repo.